Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pinching Nickels

The treasury has issued a new nickel, but that’s not really the subject of this post. Nope. I wanted to talk briefly about how cold it is in my house.

The temps around here lately have been typically a little colder than usual and I’m trying to battle mother nature with my psyche. As you who know me might suspect, it could be a quick and fruitless battle.

But, instead of turning on the heat – and yes, we have LOCKED IN a CAP price on oil that’s pretty darn good.

Can you say $1.49 a gallon? So can I, but our price is much higher than that. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Instead of turning on the heat, I’ve been using our decorative gas fireplace and an electric – oil-filled heater to keep tiny locations in the house warm.

This isn’t the most efficient way to stay warm, and yes, I could “go put on a sweater”, but it’s keeping my oil bill down for now. And since my contract is a ‘cap’ and not a true ‘lock’, I will benefit greatly when the price plummets next month. Which THEN brings me to my real point – thrift.

That term essentially means wise economy in the management of money. And that’s pretty much what I’m doing by keeping costs down.

Now, if I could only find a way to get my parents to invite me to dinner more often.

More to come…

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